Friday, July 2

Terrafugia Transition flying car

when i was small, i was dreaming that how good if there is an invention that the car can fly!
so that there will be no traffic jam on road will happen
*perhaps it will turn into the sky jamming =P*
surprisingly my little crazy dream has come true when i read newspaper today *unbelievable*
terrafugia transition has been approved by US Federal Aviation Administration and granted as an exemption to be classified as 'light sport aircraft' despite being 120 pound over the limit
it can be driven on any road and parked in a standard parking space or household garage
after the test experiment, it is expected to be opened for sale next year and the estimated price will be USD194k (RM630k) *@.@*
potential pilot would need 20hours of flying testing before being granted the license
how awesome how awesome!!!!
imagine that when you are in traffic jam, you can just fly your car to the sky
brilliant invention! *thumbs up*
please click TERRAFUGIA website & NEWS for more information

the flying car is bigger than the smallest private jet
how funny is that