today was the 1st time i got the feel like being kidnapped~!!
when i finished my class around 130pm something
i saw joan at the atm there and pointing at a car outside south lobby...
and then i stupid stupid go near the window there and peep inside
i saw tian!
without any aware, i was being pushed into the car by joan
and tian kiap my head using her hands >"<
and tian kiap my head using her hands >"<
there is now having a food fair
we get registered as a student
when we queued up, two arabians who looked like working person face with casual wear claimed that they were students too...and the staff still issue them student pass!
our mouth terus dropped on floor because we couldnt believe that!
we tried lots foods
coconut drinks, sausages, ice cream, popcorn...
lol...add some other marks! because din expect to meet someone i know there
after came out from there, teiling and yeechui shop for lingeries while tian,joan and me not followed them as we were tired walking
but both of them 静悄悄 bring me go take lrt
at first i thought they want to back home by themselves!
i just curious and keep it in heart and just followed them like a little girl 不敢出声
all the way i really duno my exact destination just know keep follow them only..
that kind of feeling is so so insecure for me >"<
apparently they went to buy ticket for ktm and then we took lrt back to klcc again after that
luckily they decided to go back after we reach klcc..PHEW!!
my adventure ended after having dinner at mcd
seriously im having fun with them but this kinda kidnap experience...shldnt happen again please >"<
they are cute and crazee and fun people to hang out with ^^